Magnoliidae: Ranunculales: The Ranunculaceae are herbs or rarely shrubs or vines comprising 50 genera and 2,000 species. The leaves are typically alternate, compound, and stipulate. The flowers are actinomorphic or less commonly zygomorphic and are usually bisexual. The perianth is usually in two, often 5-merous cycles that may or may not be differentiated into calyx and corolla. The petals are usually nectariferous near the base, and in Ranunculus there is a flap of tissue in this position. Typical flowers have many helically disposed stamens and simple pistils on an elongated receptacle. All of the floral parts are distinct. Each pistil has a superior ovary with one locule and 1-several parietal ovules. A single flower commonly produces a cluster of achenes or follicles.
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