Eucalyptus citriodora, lemon-scented gum. Note the inferior
ovary and the prominence of the androecium as the attractive unit of the flower. Note also
that Eucalyptus is exceptional in that the calyx is extremely reduced and the corolla
forms a lid that falls off as a unit when the stamens expand. |
Eucalyptus deglupta, Mindanao gum. Very large tree from
Indonesia with striking orange and green streaked smooth bark. |
Callistemon citrinus, red bottle brush. Note reduced perianth,
prominent androecium, and inferior ovary. |
Eugenia uniflora, Myrtaceae, Surinam cherry. Shrub or small tree
from Brazil with white flowers and edible, spicy, red, 8-furrowed fruit about 2 cm in
diameter. The corolla and androecium are more or less equally conspicuous in this species. |
Pimenta dioica, allspice. This leaves of this species emit a
strong but very pleasant aroma when crushed. |
Psidium guajava, guava. Shrub or tree from tropical America,
with yellow or brownish lemon-shaped and sized fruit, pink or cream colored inside. Used
for jam, jelly and juice. |
Psidium cattleianum, strawberry guava. This is a very common
invasive tree in Hawaiian forests. |
Syzygium jambos, rose apple. This is a large tree with edible
fruit. Note the very dominant nature of the androecium in the open flower. |
Syzygium cumini, Java plum, jambolan plum. Tree from E. Indies
and Burma, with white flowers and purple to black, globose, edible fruit. |
Melaleuca quinquenervia, paper bark. Note the conspicuous
clusters of stamens in the flowers. Capsular fruits are on the right. A strip of the
papery bark is also visible. |
Metrosideros polymorpha, 'ohia. Note the many brightly colored
stamens in this Hawaiian endemic species. |