Magnoliidae: Magnoliales. The Magnoliaceae are woody trees and shrubs
comprising 12 genera and about 220 species. The leaves are simple, and alternate, usually
with deciduous stipules that enclose the bud. The flowers are bisexual, actinomorphic, and
usually large, generally with 3 sepals and 6 to many petals. The androecium consists of
many helically disposed stamens, each with generally large microsporangia and usually a
short, poorly differentiated filament. The gynoecium is apocarpous, consisting of many
helically disposed simple pistils. Each pistil has a superior ovary with a single locule
and one to several marginal ovules. All of the floral parts are distinct and are attached
to an elongated receptacle. The pistils mature into follicles or less often berries or
Each "thumbnail" image below is linked to a larger photograph.
Magnolia grandiflora. Note the large, bowl-shaped flower
consisting of undifferentiated perianth segments. The elongated receptacle also bears many
separate stamens and pistils. In the lower photo the perianth segments and most of the
stamens have abscised from the floral axis. The pistils remain and are developing into
follicles. |
Magnolia liliflora. In the lower photo some of the perianth
segments have been removed to reveal the androecium and gynoecium. |
Liriodendron tulipifera, tulip tree. This longitudinal section
of the flower shows the greatly elongated floral axis, distally bearing many closely
appressed, yet distinct pistils. In this case the pistils will develop into samaras. |
Michelia champaca, orange champak. Note the elongated
receptacle. This species has strongly scented flowers that are used for perfume. |
Michelia alba, white champak. |
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