Hamamelidae: Fagales. The Fagaceae are monoecious trees and shrubs comprising 6-8 genera and about 800 species. The leaves are alternate and simple; the stipules are deciduous. The male flowers have a 4-7 lobed perianth of tepals and 4-40 stamens and are usually grouped in pendulous catkins. The female flowers are solitary or in small clusters. They have a 4-6 lobed perianth of tepals, and are often subtended by a series of bracteoles comprising an involucre. The single compound pistil of 3-6 carpels has an inferior ovary with 3-6 locules and two basal or nearly basal ovules in each locule. The fruit is called an acorn. It is a 1-seeded nut that is basally enveloped by a cupule derived from the involucre.
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