Dilleniidae: Ericales. The Ericaceae are mostly shrubs comprising about
125 genera and 3,500 species. The leaves are simple and alternate or sometimes opposite or
whorled; stipules are absent. The flowers are bisexual and actinomorphic or sometimes
slightly zygomorphic. The perianth is in two whorls, a 4-7 merous calyx of usually connate
sepals, and a 4-7 merous corolla of usually connate petals. The androecium has as many, or
more commonly, twice as many stamens as corolla lobes or petals. The anthers dehisce by
terminal pores and pollen is usually released in tetrads. The gynoecium consists of a
single compound pistil of 2-10 carpels, usually a single style, and a superior or inferior
ovary with 2-10 locules, each bearing numerous axile ovules. The fruit is a capsule or
Each "thumbnail" image below is linked to a larger photograph.
Rhododendron sp. The calyx in this genus is commonly very
reduced. It is just visible as a yellowish rim at the base of the ovary of the immature
fruit at the upper left. The tubular base and spreading lobes of the corolla of the open
flower are clearly visible, as are the 10 stamens, each with terminal pores releasing
white pollen from the orange anthers. The greenish style with its enlarged stigma is also
exserted from the corolla. |
Rhododendron indicum, azalea. This species has somewhat
zygomorphic flowers. The terminal anther pores are barely visible in this photo. |
Rhododendron sp. |
Vaccinium reticulatum, 'ohelo. The inferior ovaries that are
typical of this genus can be seen in this endemic Hawaiian species. The inverted
urn-shaped or urceolate flowers illustrated here are common in several genera of the
family. |
Arbutus menziesii, Pacific madrone. This cut away view reveals
the internal arrangement typical of the urceolate flowers of the family. Insects probing
into the open end of the corolla contact the appendages on the anthers and this causes the
pollen to sift out of the terminal pores onto the body of the visitor. The pistil is
clearly visible in the center of the sectioned flower. |
Gaultheria shallon, salal. |
Cassiope tetragona, white or mountain heather. |
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