Dilleniidae: Dilleniales. The Dilleniaceae are trees, shrubs or
occasionally vines comprising 10 genera and about 350 species. The leaves are simple and
alternate, the stipules are absent or wing-like and adnate to the petiole. The flowers are
actinomorphic and are bisexual or rarely unisexual. The perianth consists of 5 imbricate
sepals and usually 5 imbricate petals. The androecium consists of numerous, distinct or
fascicled stamens. The gynoecium comprises several distinct, simple pistils, each with a
superior ovary and a single locule containing 1-many ovules. The fruit is a follicle or is
Each "thumbnail" image below is linked to a larger photograph.
Dillenia indica, elephant apple. With two of the petals removed,
the overlapping or imbricate sepals are partially visible. Also, the numerous stamens and
the upper part of several pistils can be seen. The lower photo shows an early stage in the
development of the fruit. The upper part of the persistent calyx has been cut away to
reveal the several pistils that are somewhat spirally twisted. The pink reflexed styles
are still apparent at this early stage. The fruiting structure remains inside the
persistent calyx and eventually reaches 3 to 5 inches in diameter. |
Dillenia suffruticosa, shrubby simpoh. Five petals, many
stamens, and several pistils are visible in the top photo. In the middle photo parts of
the flower have been removed to reveal overlapping sepals and the gynoecium consisting of
several pistils that are united to an elongated receptacle. At maturity each pink pistil
pulls away from the white receptacular tissue and splits open along the inner margin in
the fashion of a follicle (lower photo). The seeds that have developed are enclosed in a
bright red aril that originates from the seed stalk or funiculus. |
Hibbertia scandens, snake vine. With the many stamens and two petals removed
from the lower flower, the apocarpous gynoecium and imbricate sepals are visible. |
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