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Original URL of this page: http://www.inform.umd.edu/PBIO/pb250/reve7.html

PBIO 250 Lecture Notes

James L. Reveal

Norton-Brown Herbarium, University of Maryland

Reveal System of Angiosperm Classification

Magnoliophyta: Rosidae: Rutanae through Myrtanae

    8. Rutanae Takht. (1967)
     1. Sapindales Dumort. (1829)
              Acerales Lindl. (1833)
              Aesculales Bromhead (1838)
       1. Staphyleaceae (DC.) Lindl., nom. cons. (1829)
              Ochranthaceae Endl. (1841)
       2. Tapisciaceae (Pax) Takht. (1987)
       3. Melianthaceae Link, nom. cons. (1831)
       4. Sapindaceae Juss., nom. cons. (1789)
              Allophylaceae Martinov (1820)
              Dodonaeaceae Link, nom. cons. (1831)
              Koelreuteriaceae J. Agardh (1858)
              Ornithropaceae Martinov (1820)
              Paulliniaceae Durande (1782)
       5. Hippocastanaceae DC., nom. cons. (1824)
              Aesculaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820)
              Paviaceae Horan. (1834)
       6. Aceraceae Juss., nom. cons. (1789)
       7. Bretschneideraceae Engl. & Gilg, nom. cons. (1924)
       8. Akaniaceae Stapf, nom. cons. (1912)
     2. Tropaeolales Takht. ex Reveal (1992)
       1. Tropaeolaceae Juss. ex DC., nom. cons. (1824)
              Cardamindaceae Link, nom. illeg. (1831)
     3. Limnanthales Nakai (1930)
       1. Limnanthaceae R. Br., nom. cons. (1833)
     4. Sabiales Takht. (1997)
       1. Sabiaceae Blume, nom. cons. (1851)
              Meliosmaceae Endl. (1841)
              Millingtoniaceae Wight & Arn., nom. illeg. (1834)
              Wellingtoniaceae Meisn. (1840)
     5. Connarales Takht. ex Reveal (1996)
       1. Connaraceae R. Br., nom. cons. (1818)
              Cnestiaceae (Raf.) Raf. (1830)
     6. Rutales Perleb (1826)
              Citrales Dumort. (1829)
              Leitneriales Engl. (1897)
              Meliales Lindl. (1833)
       1. Rutaceae Juss., nom. cons. (1789)
              Amyridaceae Kunth (1824)
              Aurantiaceae Durande (1782)
              Boroniaceae J. Agardh (1858)
              Citraceae Roussel (1806)
              Cuspariaceae (DC.) Tratt., nom. illeg. (1825)
              Dictamnaceae Vest (1818)
              Diosmaceae R. Br. ex Bartl. (1830)
              Diplolaenaceae J. Agardh (1858)
              Flindersiaceae (Engl.) C.T. White ex Airy Shaw (1964)
              Fraxinellaceae Nees & Mart. (1823)
              Jamboliferaceae Martinov (1820)
              Monieraceae Raf., nom. illeg. (1838)
              Pilocarpaceae J. Agardh (1858)
              Pteleaceae Kunth (1824)
              Spatheliaceae J. Agardh (1858)
              Zanthoxylaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820)
       2. Rhabdodendraceae (Huber) Prance (1968)
       3. Cneoraceae Link, nom. cons. (1831)
              Chamaeleaceae Bertol., nom. illeg. (1834)
       4. Simaroubaceae DC., nom. cons. (1811)
              Ailanthaceae (Arn.) J. Agardh (1858)
              Castelaceae J. Agardh (1858)
              Quassiaceae Bertol. (1827)
              Simabaceae Horan. (1847)
              Soulameaceae Endl. (1841)
       5. Picramniaceae (Engler) Fernando & Quinn (1995)
       6. Leitneriaceae Benth. & Hook.f. (1880)
       7. Surianaceae Arn. (1834)
              Stylobasiaceae J. Agardh (1858)
       8. Irvingiaceae (Engl.) Exell & Mendonça, nom. cons. (1951)
       9. Kirkiaceae (Engl.) Takht. (1967)
       10. Ptaeroxylaceae J.-F. Leroy (1960)
       11. Tepuianthaceae Maguire & Steyerm. (1981)
       12. Meliaceae Juss., nom. cons. (1789)
              Aitoniaceae (Harv.) R.A. Dyer, nom. inadmiss. (1975)
              Cedrelaceae R. Br. (1814)
              Swieteniaceae Bercht. & J. Presl (1820)
       13. Lepidobotryaceae J. Léonard, nom. cons. (1950)
     7. Coriariales Lindl. (1833)
       1. Coriariaceae DC., nom. cons. (1824)
     8. Burserales Baskerville (1839)
              Julianiales Engl. (1907)
       1. Burseraceae Kunth, nom. cons. (1824)
              Balsameaceae Dumort. (1829)
       2. Anacardiaceae Lindl., nom. cons. (1830)
              Blepharocaryaceae Airy Shaw (1964)
              Cassuviaceae Juss. ex R. Br., nom. illeg. (1818)
              Comocladiaceae Martinov (1820)
              Julianiaceae Hemsl., nom. cons. (1906)
              Pistaciaceae Adans. (1763)
              Rhoaceae Spreng. ex Sadler (1826)
              Schinaceae Raf. (1837)
              Spondiadaceae Martinov (1820)
              Sumachieae (DC.) Perleb, nom. illeg. (1838)
              Terebinthaceae Durande, nom. illeg. (1782)
              Vernicaceae Link (1831)
       3. Podoaceae Baill. ex Franch. (1889)
    9. Rhamnanae Takht. ex Reveal (1992)
     1. Rhamnales Dumort. (1829)
              Frangulales Wirtg. (1860)
       1. Rhamnaceae Juss., nom. cons. (1789)
              Frangulaceae DC. (1805)
              Gouaniaceae Raf. (1837)
              Phylicaceae J. Agardh (1858)
              Ziziphaceae Adans. (1763)
     2. Elaeagnales Bromhead (1838)
       1. Elaeagnaceae Juss., nom. cons. (1789)
              Hippophaeaceae G. Mey. (1836)
    10. Proteanae Takht. (1967)
     1. Proteales Dumort. (1829)
       1. Proteaceae Juss., nom. cons. (1789)
              Lepidocarpaceae Schultz Sch., nom. illeg. (1832)
    11. Vitanae Takht. ex Reveal (1992)
     1. Vitales Reveal (1996)
       1. Vitaceae Juss., nom. cons. (1789)
              Ampelopsidaceae Kostel. (1835)
              Cissaceae Drejer (1840)
              Pterisanthaceae J. Agardh (1858)
       2. Leeaceae (DC.) Dumort., nom. cons. (1829)
    12. Rhizophoranae Takht., nom. inval. (1997)
     1. Rhizophorales Tiegh. ex Reveal (1993)
              Anisophylleales Takht. (1997)
       1. Anisophylleaceae Ridl. (1922)
              Polygonanthaceae Croizat (1943)
       2. Rhizophoraceae R. Br., nom. cons. (1814)
              Cassipoureaceae J. Agardh (1858)
              Legnotidaceae Endl., nom. illeg. (1841)
              Macarisiaceae J. Agardh (1858)
              Mangiaceae Raf. (1837)
    13. Myrtanae Takht. (1967)
     1. Myrtales Rchb.f. (1828)
              Combretales Baskerville (1839)
              Lythrales Caruel (1881)
              Melastomatales Oliv. (1895)
              Oenotherales Bromhead (1838)
              Onagrales Rchb.f. (1828)
              Penaeales Lindl. (1833)
       1. Combretaceae R. Br., nom. cons. (1810)
              Bucidaceae Spreng. (1825)
              Myrobalanaceae Martinov (1820)
              Sheadendraceae Bertol. (1850)
              Terminaliaceae J. St.-Hil. (1805)
       2. Crypteroniaceae A. DC., nom. cons. (1868)
              Henslowiaceae Lindl. (1835)
       3. Melastomataceae Juss., nom. cons. (1789)
              Blakeaceae Rchb. ex Barnh. (1895)
              Memecylaceae DC. ex Schltdl. (1827)
              Miconiaceae K. Koch (1857)
              Mouririaceae Gardner (1840)
              Rhexiaceae Dumort. (1822)
       4. Psiloxylaceae Croizat (1960)
       5. Heteropyxidaceae Engl. & Gilg, nom. cons. (1920)
       6. Myrtaceae Juss., nom. cons. (1789)
              Chamelauciaceae (DC.) Rudolphi (1830)
              Kaniaceae Nakai (1943)
              Leptospermaceae (Bercht. & J. Presl) Rudolphi (1830)
              Melaleucaceae Vest (1818)
              Myrrhiniaceae Arn. (1839)
       7. Alzateaceae S.A. Graham (1985)
       8. Rhynchocalycaceae L.A.S. Johnson & B.G. Briggs (1985)
       9. Penaeaceae Sweet ex Guill., nom. cons. (1828)
       10. Oliniaceae Harv. & Sond., nom. cons. (1862)
       11. Lythraceae J. St.-Hil., nom. cons. (1805)
              Ammanniaceae Horan. (1834)
              Blattiaceae Nied. (1892)
              Duabangaceae Takht. (1986)
              Lagerstroemiaceae J. Agardh (1858)
              Lawsoniaceae J. Agardh (1858)
              Punicaceae Horan., nom. cons. (1834)
              Salicariaceae Adans., nom. illeg. (1763)
              Sonneratiaceae Engl. & Gilg, nom. cons. (1924)
       12. Trapaceae Dumort., nom. cons. (1829)
       13. Onagraceae Juss., nom. cons. (1789)
              Circaeaceae Ruthe (1827)
              Epilobiaceae Vent. (1799)
              Fuchsiaceae (DC.) Lilja (1870)
              Isnardiaceae Martinov (1820)
              Jussiaeaceae Martinov (1820)
              Lopeziaceae (Spach) Lilja (1870)
              Oenotheraceae C.C. Robin (1807)

Part I. Magnoliidae through Nelumbonidae
Part II. Liliidae
Part III. Ranunculidae through Caryophyllidae
Part IV. Hamamilididae
Part V. Dilleniidae
Part VI. Rosidae: Saxifraganae through Fabanae
Part VII. Rosidae: Rutanae through Myrtanae
Part VIII. Cornidae
Part IX. Lamiidae
Part X. Asteridae

Next Series of Lecture Notes:
Takhtajan System of Angiosperm Classification

5 Nov 1997