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Foliage on an ornamental specimen [C.J. Earle, May-1999].
Fitzroya cupressoides (Molina) Johnston 1924

Common Names

Alerce [Spanish] (7), Patagonian cypress (1).

Taxonomic notes

Syn: Pinus cupressoides Molina 1782; Abies cupressoides (Molina) Poir. 1805; Thuja tetragona Hooker 1844; Libocedrus tetragona (Hook.) Endl. 1847; Fitzroya patagonica Hook. f. ex Lindl. 1851; Cupresstellata patagonica (Hook. f.) J. Nelson 1866. The sole species in Fitzroya Lindl. 1851 (syn: Cupresstellata J. Nelson 1866) (2).


Fitzroya: Evergreen, dioecious tree. Branches not whorled, shoots angular, leaves scale-like, in whorls of 3. Female flowers in cone-like inflorescences, composed of 9 scales in whorls of 3, in 3 alternating whorls; the lowest whorl small and sterile; the middle whorl larger and sterile or with a single 2-winged seed to each scale; the upper whorl fertile, each scale bearing 2-6 two- or three-winged seeds. Cones globose, 6-8 mm across, ripening in the first year; fertile scales with a three-sided mucro at the apex. Seeds 2-6 on each fertile scale, ovate, 2(3)-winged. Cotyledons 2. n =11 (2, 7).

F. cupressoides: Trees to 45 m tall and 300 cm dbh. Bark reddish, furrowed, peeling off in strips. Branchlets pendulous; leaves in whorls of three, 3.5 mm long, minutely incurved with 2 white bands beneath (1, 2). "Leaves persisting several years, in alternating whorls of 3, their bases flattened and decurrent, the free part spreading, obovate or oblong lanceolate, about 1/8 in. long with a minute incurved point, upper surface concave with 2 sunken white stomatic bands, lower surface convex with a broad green midrib, on each side of which is a white band of stomata extending from the base to near the apex. Male and female strobili on the same or on different trees, sometimes hermaphrodite. Male strobili solitary in the leaf axils near the points of the shoots, cylindrical with 15-24 stamens in whorls of 3. Female strobili solitary, about 1/4 in. in diameter, on short, stalk-like, leafy shoots. Cones woody, 1/4 - 1/3 in. in diameter, ripening the first year, composed of 9 scales in 3 whorls, the lowest minute and sterile, the middle empty or each bearing a 2-winged seed, the upper scales the largest and bearing 2- or 3-winged seeds, the apex of the cone terminating in gland-like, resin-secreting bodies about 1/8 in. long, which exhale a fragrant odour. Cotyledons 2. Hermaphrodite strobili have a larger number of scales" (7).


S Chile & S Argentina "from the coast range south of Valdivia, and on Chiloe Island, to the Andes, between 41°S and 43°S" (7). Curiously, although the tree grows in virtual rainforest, it is dependent on catastrophic fire in order to regenerate stands; the current widespread decline observed among remnant populations may be due in good measure to fire suppression (10).

Big Tree

Darwin saw specimens of up to 130 feet in girth. A specimen 426 cm dbh is known from the Monumento De Los Alerzales Forest Reserve, Chile (8).


A crossdated age of 3622 years for a specimen from Chile collected by Lara and Villalba in 1993 (3, 4). This gives it the second-greatest fully verified age recorded for any living tree.


Most notably, it has been used to produce a 3622-year reconstruction of mean summer temperatures for southern South America (4). It has also been used to date glacier fluctuations in Argentina (5).


The reddish brown wood is lightweight, durable, easily worked on account of its straight grain and was formerly much used for shingles, furniture, cooperage, masts, and spars. However, all logging of this extraordinary tree (sometimes called the Sequoia of South America) was officially stopped in 1976 and today relatively few remaining big trees constitute a Chilean national treasure. It is increasingly often used as an ornamental: "It was introduced into cultivation in 1849 by William Lobb and again by Richard Pearce, the Veitchian collector, 10 years later. Although quite hardy in Britain, it is more often seen as a shrub than a tree, but specimens 40 ft. or more high are occasionally met with in the west of England and elsewhere. Probably the tallest is a tree at Killerton, Devon, 53 ft. high, with a girth of 6 ft., in 1964" (7).


Argentina has preserved outstanding forests of this rare giant in the Parque Nacional Los Alerces.


The alerce is thought to be a southern relative of the giant sequoia of North America (1). It was originally named by Darwin for Captain Fitzroy of H.M.S. Beagle.

The species regenerates both vegetatively and from seed, with vegetative reproduction more common at high altitudes. Seedlings establish preferentially on sunny sites with a decaying wood substrate (6). This suggests that the species is adapted for gap regeneration following disturbance by storm or wind (rather than fire).

This species is fully protected under Appendix I of CITES (the Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora (1973, revised 16-Apr-1993)).

A fossil species has been found in Oligocene sediments in Tasmania; thus Fitzroya joins most Southern Conifer genera is showing Gondwanan affiliations (9).


(1) "Alerce," Britannica Online.

(2) Farjon 1998.

(3) Brown 1996.

(4) Lara, A. and R. Villalba. 1993. A 3620-year temperature record from Fitzroya cupressoides tree rings in southern South America. Science 260: 1104-1106.

(5) Villalba, R. et al. 1990. Climate, tree-ring, and glacial fluctuations in the Rio Frias Valley, Rio Negro, Argentina. Arctic and Alpine Research 22: 215-232.

(6) Parker, T. and C. Donoso. 1993. Natural regeneration of Fitzroya cupressoides in Chile and Argentina. Forest Ecology and Management 59(1-2): 63-85.

(7) Dallimore & Jackson 1967.

(8) International Dendrology Society. Year Book 1991.

(9) Hill, R.S. and S.S. Whang. 1996. A new species of Fitzroya (Cupressaceae) from Oligocene sediments in north-western Tasmania. Australian Systematic Botany 9(6):867-875.
ABSTRACT: Vegetative twigs from Oligocene sediments in north-western Tasmania are assigned to a new fossil species of Fitzroya, F. tasmanensis. These twigs differ from extant F. cupressoides in leaf shape and stomatal orientation and morphology. This is the first fossil record of Fitzroya from outside the current range of the genus (South America). Previous fossil records of Fitzroya from South America are almost certainly erroneous. These fossils occur in sediments with leaves and cupules of Nothofagus subgenus Nothofagus, which is also restricted to South America today. This suggests that some current plant associations in southern South America provide good analogues for vegetation in Oligocene Tasmania.

(10) A. Lara, S. Fraver, J.C. Aravena, and A. Wolodarsky-Franke. 1999. Fire and the dynamics of Fitzroya cupressoides (alerce) forests of Chile's Cordillera Pelada. Ecoscience 6(1): 100-109.
ABSTRACT: Widespread mortality of Fitzroya cupressoides (alerce) is found throughout the Coastal Range of south-central Chile. The main explanations for tree mortality have been fire and climate change. In order to better understand the dynamics and mortality of Fitzroya in the Cordillera Pelada ('barren range', within the Coastal Range), we established four study plots (with varying degrees of Fitzroya mortality), from which we collected information on tree regeneration, age and size classes of living and dead trees, dates of fire scars from tree stumps, and radial growth rates. The abundance of seedlings and saplings in areas affected by recent, low-intensity fires indicates adequate regeneration of Fitzroya. Age class structures of adult Fitzroya trees from three of the stands show single-cohort populations, suggesting establishment after a stand-devastating disturbance. Fires from two stands were dated to years ranging between 1397 and 1943, indicating that fires have occurred repeatedly over the past 600 years. Tree growth increases immediately after fire. Based on the presence of burned snags, soil charcoal. single-cohort age structures, and numerous dated fire scars, we conclude that repealed fire is the main cause of widespread Fitzroya mortality in the Cordillera Pelada. Since the time of European settlement in southern Chile (ca.1750), fires have mainly been caused by Europeans; however, prior to that time, fires were probably caused by both lightning and native people that inhabited the area.

See also:

S. Fraver, M.E. Gonzalez, F. Silla, A. Lara, and M. Gardner. 1999. Composition and structure of remnant Fitzroya cupressoides forests of southern Chile's Central Depression. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 126(1): 49-57.

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URL: http://www.geocities.com/~earlecj/cu/fi/index.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
Last modified on 24-Oct-1999