Roots: S
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- sacc-
- referring to a bag (saccifera = sac-bearing)
- sacchar-
- referring to sugar (Saccharum, the sugar cane genus)
- sagit-
- referring to an arrow (sagittarius)
- salic- / salig-
- referring to the genus Salix, the willow (salignifolia =
willow-leaved / salicifolia)
- sal-
- referring to salt (salinus / salicolus)
- salp-
- referring to a tube (Salpiglossis = tube + tongue)
- salv-
- referring to helping, saving, healing (Salvia, from the
medicinal properties of some species of this the
Sage genus)
- sambuc-
- referring to the genus, Sambucus, the elderberry
(sambucoides = like Sambucus)
- sanct-
- holy, revered (sanctum)
- sang-
- referring to blood (Sanguinaria, the Blood-Root)
- sapid-
- tasty (sapidus)
- sapien-
- referring to ancient wise men/writers/sages (sapientia)
- sap-
- referring to soap (Sapindus = soap + India)
- sarco-
- referring to flesh (sarcomentum / sarcodes)
- sarment-
- referring to runners (sarmentosa)
- sativ-
- referring to cultivation (sativa)
- saur-
- referring to a lizard (Saururus = liazrd's tail)
- sax-
- referring to a rock (Saxifraga = rock-breaker /
saxicolus / saxosus / saxatilis /
- scal-
- referring to a ladder (scalaris)
- scand-
- climbing (scandens)
- scap-
- referring to a scape (scaposa)
- scaph-
- referring to a boat (Scaphosepalum = boat + sepal)
- schiz- / schis-
- cut, divided, split (schizophylla = cleft leaves)
- scia-
- referring to an umbrella, shade (Sciadophyllum)
- -scia(...)
- referring to an umbrella (Polyscias = many umbrellas,
referring to the large and abundant foliage of this
- scirp-
- referring to the genus Scirpus, the bulrush (scirpoides)
- scler-
- hard (sclerocarpus = hard fruit)
- scopul-
- referring to a cliff (scopulorum = of the cliffs)
- scorp-
- referring to a scorpion, a coiled structure (scorpioides)
- scut-
- referring to a salver or dish or shield (shape)
(Scutellaria) (scutatum)
- seb-
- referring to wax, tallow (sebiferum)
- -sect(...)
- cut (pinnatisect = pinnately cut)
- secund-
- referring to a side (secundiflora = flowers on one side)
- sed-
- sedentary (Sedum)
- selen-
- referring to the moon (Selenicereus = moon cactus, because
it's night-blooming)
- semi-
- semi, half (Semiarundinaria something like a reed, a genus
of bamboo)
- semper-
- always (sempervirens = evergreen / Sempervivum = living
for ever))
- senil-
- old, white-haired (senilis)
- sept-
- referring to the number seven (septangularia = seven-
- seric-
- referring to silk (sericeus / sericofera = silk-bearing)
- serotin-
- late, autumnal (serotina)
- serpent-
- referring to a snake (serpentarius / serpentinus)
- serra-
- referring to a saw (serratus / serrula / serrulata)
- sesqui-
- referring to the number one and 1/2
- sessil-
- unstalked, sessile (sessilis / sessiliflora = unstalked/
peduncled flowers / sessilifolia = unstalked/
petioled leaves)
- seta- / seti-
- referring to a bristle (setigera / setacea)
- sibir-
- referring to Siberia (siberiacus)
- sider-
- referring to iron (Sideroxylon = iron wood)
- -sider(...)
- referring to iron (Metrosideros = heart of iron)
- sikkim-
- referring to N. India (sillimensis)
- silic-
- referring to sand (siliceus)
- silv-
- referring to the woods (silvaticus)
- simpl-
- simple (simplex)
- sinensis
- native to China
- sino-
- referring to China
- sinu-
- sinuous, wavy (sinuata)
- -siphon
- referring to a tube (Orthosiphon = straight tube usually
a flower part)
- smilac-
- referring to the genus Smilax, Greenbriar
- sobol-
- referring to offspring (sobolifera = bearing offspring,
usually meaning 'runners')
- solar-
- referring to the sun (solaris)
- solen-
- referring to a tube (Solenanthus = tube + flower)
- -som(...)
- referring to the body, the corporeal entity (xanthosoma =
yellow body)
- somn-
- referring to sleep (somniferum = sleep-producing - cf.
Papaver somniferum, the opium poppy)
- sordid-
- dirty, not pure (in appearance) (sordidus)
- spath-
- referring to a spoon (shape) (Spathiphyllum = leaf-like
- spatu-
- referring to a spoon / spatula (shape)
- specul-
- referring to a mirror (Specularia, Venus's Looking Glass)
- specios-
- showy, spectacular (speciosum)
- specta-
- spectacular (spectandus)
- -sperm(...)
- referring to a seed (Dictyosperma = seed with network-
- sphaer-
- referring to a sphere (sphaerocephala = round-headed)
- spic-
- referring to a spike (of flowers) (spicatus spicant /
spiculifolia = spiked leaf)
- spin-
- referring to a spine (spinosa / spina-christi = Christ-
- spir-
- referring to a spiral (Spiranthes = spiral flowers (inflo-
rescence), an orchid)
- splend-
- splendid (splendida)
- -spor(...)
- referring to a seed or spore (Hymenospora = mambraneous
- spum-
- referring to spume or froth (spumaria)
- spur-
- false (spurius)
- squal-
- dirty (color) (squalens squalida))
- squam-
- referring to scales (squamosa / squamata / squamigera)
- squarr-
- spreading (squarrosa)
- -stachy(...)
- referring to a spike (of flowers) (Acanthostachys =
thorny flower spike)
- stans
- standing, upright
- -staphy(...)
- referring to a cluster of grapes (Arctostaphylos =
bear + grapes, alluding to the fact that bears
love to eat the fruit; one of the species of
this genus is uva-ursi, meaning grape + bear)
- stell-
- referring to a star (stellatus)
- -stem(...)
- referring to stamens (Pentstemon> = five stamens)
- sten-
- narrow (Stenocarpu = narrow fruit)
- steph-
- referring to a crown (Stephanandra = crown + anthers)
- -steph(...)
- referring to a crown (macrostephana = large crown)
- -stich(...)
- referring to a row (Polystichum many rows (of spore
cases on this fern genus))
- -stict(...)
- referring to spots or glands (chlorosticta =
- stigm-
- marked (stigmatus)
- stipul-
- referring to a stipule (stipulata)
- stolon-
- referring to runners (stolonifera = bearing runners)
- -stom(...)
- referring to a mouth
- stram-
- referring to straw (color) (stramineus)
- strepto-
- twisted (streptophullus = twisted-leaved)
- striat-
- striped (striatus; viridistriata = green-striped)
- strict-
- erect, rigid, upright, stiff (stricta)
- strig-
- referring to stiff hairs or bristles (strigosa /
- strob-
- referring to a cone (e.g., of a pine) (strobilifera =
cone-bearing / strobus / strobilacea /
strobilanthes = cone + flower)
- strum-
- referring to a tumor (strumatus)
- styra-
- referring to gum (styraciflua = flowing with gum)
- suav-
- sweet, fragrant (suaveolens)
- sub-
- somewhat, under, almost, not-quite -- often elided as in
suffruticosa, a combining-form of sub and
fruticosa = sub-shrubby
(subhirtella = somewhat hairy)
- suber-
- referring to cork (suberosus)
- subul-
- referring to an awl (shape) (subulata)
- suffr-
- referring to a shrub (suffruticosa = somewhat shrubby)
- sulc-
- referring to a furrow (sulcatus)
- supin-
- prostrate (supinus)
- sylv-
- referring to forests (sylvatica)
- sym- / syn-
- together, united (Symphoricarpos = together + to bear +
fruit, referring to the clustered fruit)
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Last updated on 10/14/94