The Cycad Pages
Cycad Societies
Meet other people interested in cycads
The Cycad Society
Based in the USA - publishes a regular
offers an archive of
cycad photos,
and an
electronic mailing list
The Cycad Society of South Africa
Publishers of the journal
The Cycad Society of China
The newest group.
The International Palm Society
Affiliated with other societies, some with interests in cycads and interesting publications.
The Palm & Cycad Societies of Florida (PACSOF)
Hosts of
The Virtual Cycad Encyclopedia
by Jody L. Haynes
Palm and Cycad Societies of Australia (PACSOA)
The Palm and Cycad Societies of Australia (PACSOA) web-site features technical and non-technical articles of interest to palm and/or cycad enthusiasts. Also has a
gallery of photographs
The World List
References and Links
The Cycad Pages
© 1998
Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney
Written and maintained by
Ken Hill
Please send
comments and corrections