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Original URL: http://www.systbot.uu.se/classification/summary97.html

Systematic Botany | Research | Information | People | History
Department of Systematic Botany, Uppsala University

Classification of flowering plants
Updated September 1997

Kåre Bremer, Birgitta Bremer, & Mats Thulin

Dept. of Systematic Botany , Uppsala University

1998: Summary - Classification - Synonyms
1997: Summary - Classification - Synonyms

The classification is based on various recently published phylogenetic analyses. Several families are deliberately not classified to order or subclass to avoid undesirable non-monophyletic taxa as well as redundant monofamilial taxa. Hence, the phylogenetically basal angiosperms (the "magnoliids"), most of the monocots, and the phylogenetically basal eudicots are not classified to subclass. There are only four subclasses, Commelinidae within the monocots and Caryophyllidae, Rosidae, and Asteridae within the higher eudicots. Note that the Linnean categories of subclass, order, and family are only to be conceived as a convenient reference to hierarchical relationships. Groups of the same rank are not necessarily comparable units unless they are sister groups.